Sunday, October 6, 2019


We didn't visit the town of Limerick on our trip to Ireland. But we did pass a bunch of signs for the place on the way to the Cliffs of Moher. So I thought I'd take an opportunity to use that as an excuse to take a shot at writing a limerick about this blog. Why not, right? It's just one.

I'm sure most people know what a limerick is but just in's a five line poem with seven to ten syllables in the first, second and fifth lines (all of which rhyme with each other) and five to seven in the third and fourth lines (which also rhyme with each other). The meter of the first, second and fifth lines is supposed to be similar as is the meter in the third and fourth lines. 

And it's most often humorous and rude. I'm unlikely to be rude, so I'm going for self-deprecating instead in a nod to my...shall we say...parsimonious tendencies.

There once was a man who was thrifty
Who thought it could be kinda nifty
To put aside all his fears
And see the world in Five Years
And hope he's not broke when he's 50

Of course, I didn't stop when I was fifty years old like I planned to. Hey, I still had a couple of bucks left in the bank, I guess.

That's all I got for this post. Back to our regularly scheduled programming soon.

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